When It Comes to Card Attributes, PAN Lookups Go Further than BIN Lookups

With VGS, merchants can go beyond BIN lookups and use PANs to access card attributes that drive more accurate insights and optimize payment processes.

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Look up Card Attributes with PAN Lookups

Situation Today

Merchants work with a BIN lookup and use sophisticated BIN mapping logic for fraud prevention, loyalty offers, routing decisions to increase auth rates, risk management, and more.

Merchants, especially for Card-Not-Present (CNP) transactions, generally do not have the full PAN - their PSPs store that for PCI compliance.

CNP merchants store cards in the 6+4 format. That is the first 6 digits of the card (the BIN) in addition to the last 4 (personal identifier).

Payment Card Attributes Example

...And the Gaps.

Missing data from BIN lookups

Missing Data

BIN lookups aren't sufficient, and fields are missing that would improve decision quality.

Changing BIN Requirements

Changing BIN Requirements

Issuers are rapidly moving to 8+ digit BINs, which merchants cannot accommodate without additional PCI compliance requirements.

Incomplete Information with 6-digit BIN lookups

Incomplete Information

Using 6-digit BINs in an 8+ digit world will lead to inaccurate data and a sudden loss of data fidelity.

More Card Attributes = More Strategic Insights

VGS facilitates PAN lookups that go beyond BINs to deliver a complete Card Attributes data set.

A PAN Lookup maximizes the card attributes merchants can access, making for stronger business decisions on needle-movers like the currency, exchange rate, debit routing networks, and gaming payouts.

Where BIN Lookup Stops, PAN Lookup Begins




Network (I.e., card brand)


Card type (E.g., debit, credit)


Issuing bank


Issuing country code


Card category (I.e., business, personal)


Issuing country


Maximum PAN length (16 or 19)


Regulated vs non-regulated bank (I.e., banks over or under $10 billion in assets)


Prepaid card type (E.g., reloadable, nonreloadable)


Debit Routing Affiliated Networks (E.g., Star, Pulse)


Billing currency (E.g., USD, Yen)


Currency minor digits (I.e., decimal point precision on exchange rate)


Prepaid card subtype (I.e., Brazil Cargo, Meal Voucher)


Savings or checking account


Gaming payout (i.e., allowed or not)
*Useful for video game companies


*Additional Attributes coming soon.

Stay PCI Compliant

Longer 8+ digit BINs are even more complex for merchants to handle from a data security and PCI compliance standpoint.

PCI rules will prevent merchants from holding 10-digit BINs + last 4 of the PAN

PCI DSS Requirement 3.3 requires that no more than the first six and/or last four digits of the PAN are displayed on computer screens, reports, etc. unless there is a documented business justification for seeing more digits.

Merchants will need to rework routing systems and update infrastructure

PCI DSS Requirement 3.4 specifies four acceptable methods for rendering PAN unreadable when stored, one of which is truncation, which will need changes for a longer 8+ digit BIN. BINs are fundamentally changing by getting longer.

Stop Chasing Changing BIN Requirements

BINs do not indicate the account range, making them an inaccurate source of information. Trying to accommodate a lengthening BIN is a slippery slope that creates security and compliance risks.

  • Assume Visa assigned a large bank (e.g. Chase) an account range from 4441-1100-0000-0000 to 4441-1199-9999-9999.
  • Chase can reassign or resell a small portion of the account range from 4441-1100-8888-8888 to 4441-1199-9999-9999 to another issuing bank that can offer this as BIN sponsorships to a fintech.

Looking at just the BIN wouldn't provide information about the actual issuing bank and would result in an inaccurate lookup.

Retain Control of Your Data

If you don't hold the PAN and get your tokens from your PSPs, your business objectives may be different. This may result in skewed routing decisions.

VGS solves this by holding the full 16-digit card information.

Securely use the PAN to query and analyze important attributes such as the affiliated network associated with the card (in support of Durbin 2.0) and the card type (to enable surcharging) - while still holding only tokens.

Customer Benefits

Intelligent Payment Orchestration

Use richer card attributes to identify and route transactions to the most efficient, cost-effective networks for faster authorization and lower fees

Intelligent Payment Orchestration

Subscription Payment Management

Flag payments made with nonreloadable prepaid cards to optimize subscription payment flows and minimize failed retries

Subscription Payment Management

Advanced Fraud Detection

Leverage more than BIN data to identify risk factors and mitigate fraud

Advanced Fraud Detection

Enhanced Checkout Experience

Retrieve real-time card attributes for pre-populating checkout fields

Enhanced Checkout Experience

Minimize Processing Costs

Assign surcharges and discounts to specific card types (E.g., debit or credit)

Minimize Processing Costs

Bypass Compliance Liability

Access full PAN data without the added compliance liability of raw sensitive information.

Bypass Compliance Liability

Future Proofing

Get continuous access to card attributes for decision-making regardless of the BIN length requirements today and in the future.

Future Proofing









BIN lookups only provide partial insight into your payment credentials.

Full PAN lookups return a complete set of card-specific data for merchants to derive insights from.

With VGS, merchants can access advanced card attributes to drive decision-making for strategic payment orchestration, fraud detection, payment authorization, and customer retention.

Store and Enrich All Your Payment Data with a Single API Integration

Use a single card object across Network Tokens, Account Updater, and Card Attributes on our Card Management Platform.

Learn More about Card Management Platform

Ready to get started with VGS

Ready to Get Started?

Learn more about the VGS Card Attributes with PAN Lookup, and how it gives merchants all the information, without the PCI compliance liability.

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